As are all our puppies, these English Setter puppies will be raised in my house and yard and will be properly socialized and introduced to a variety of stimuli through my unique puppy development program which includes temperament and mental stability tests, coordination and agility exercises, swimming, riding in dog box, exposure to collar & leash, live quail, noise and gunfire.   
     These pups will make excellent companions and hunters as well as great house pets! 
Thank you for your interest, 
"The Master of Puppy Training"

Cedar Ridge Timex is one of my personal shooting dogs, an excellent bird dog
 and spoiled family pet, as is Cedar Ridge Insider. 
They both possess a calm demeanor and extremely sweet disposition.
Both are proficient on wild & liberated birds and back naturally.

Cedar Ridge Timex
We are pleased to announce our upcoming litter by Cedar Ridge Insider out of Cedar Ridge Timex.

All pups are spoken for; please check back for future litter announcements.

Cedar Ridge Insider
Cedar Ridge Insider